Our Team of Lawyers & Mediators
Prof. Dr. iur. habil. Frank Diedrich, MLE.
Lawyer & certified mediator
Specialist lawyer for international business law
1988 – 1990 Masters course in "European Legal Practice" in Hanover and Bristol (Magister Legum Europae, MLE.)
1985 – 1990 Law degree in Hanover
2019 – present Specialist lawyer for international business law
2010 Training as a certified mediator (ZfH Darmstadt)
2006 – present Professor extra-ordinary, North-West University, Faculty of Law, Potchefstroom, South Africa
2004 Habilitation at the University of Rostock in private law, civil procedural law, international private law, comparative law and commercial law
1994 Doctorate (Dr. iur.) in international sales law (CISG) and computer software at the University of Hanover
Practises as a lawyer in Hamburg, Berlin and Hanover
Legal counsel to an international company in the computer industry
Research trips in the USA, South Africa and Japan
Professional activity in Hanover, Rostock, Riga/Latvia, Wellington/New Zealand, Tbilisi/Georgia, Potchefstroom/South Africa and Beijing/People's Republic of China
- Books
Diedrich, Frank, Autonome Auslegung von Internationalem Einheitsrecht – Computersoftware im Wiener Kaufrecht ("Autonomous Interpretation of International Uniform Law – Computer Software in the Vienna Convention"), FUNDAMENTA JURIDICA series, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden 1994 (also dissertation in Hanover, 1994). - Books
Bernzen, Christian/Diedrich, Frank, Grundlagen des Privatrechts – Eine fallorientierte Darstellung ("The Principles of Private Law – A Case-Oriented Presentation"), Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich 1996. - Books
Koch, Harald/Diedrich, Frank, Civil Procedure in Germany, C.H. Beck, Munich/Kluwer Law International, The Hague, London, Boston 1998. - Books
Diedrich, Frank, Präjudizien im Zivilrecht ("Prejudices in Civil Law"), Verlag Dr. Kovac, Hamburg 2004 (also post-doctoral thesis in Rostock, 2004). - Books
a) Diedrich, Frank/Svarca, Inga, Intellectual Property Law – National Reports (Latvia), in: International Encyclopaedia of Laws (General Editor: Roger Blancpain), Intellectual Property Law, Kluwer International, The Hague 2006
b) Diedrich, Frank/Svarca, Inga, Intellectual Property Law – National Reports (Latvia), in: International Encyclopaedia of Laws, 2nd, completely revised edition, Kluwer International, The Hague 2013 - Books
Diedrich, Frank (ed.), Ubuntu, Good Faith and Equity – Flexible Legal Principles in Developing a Contemporary Jurisprudence, JUTA, Cape Town 2011. - Books
Diedrich, Frank (ed.), The Status Quo of Mediation in Europe and Overseas – Options for Countries in Transition, Verlag Dr. Kovac, Hamburg 2014 - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Chancen und Ziele von Einheitsrecht für den internationalen Handelsverkehr ("Opportunities and Goals of Uniform Law for International Trade"), in: IPRax 1992, pp. 408 – 411. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Anwendbarkeit des Wiener Kaufrechts auf Softwareüberlassungsverträge ("Applicability of the Vienna Convention to Software Licensing Agreements"), in: RIW 1993, pp. 441 – 452. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Anwendung der "Vorschaltlösung" im Internationalen Kaufrecht ("Application of the 'Upstream Solution' in International Sales Law"), in: RIW 1993, pp. 758 – 760. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Schließt § 253 BGB den Ersatz immaterieller Personenschäden auch bei pVV und cic aus? ("Does § 253 of the German Civil Code Preclude Compensation of Intangible Personal Injury even in the Case of Positive Infringement and Culpa in Contrahendo?"), in: MDR 1994, pp. 525 – 411. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, (book review), Herdegen, Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht ("International Business Law"), 1993, in: RIW 1994, p. 801. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Koch, Harald/Diedrich, Frank, Grundrechte als Maßstab für Zustellungen nach dem Haager Zustellungsübereinkommen? ("Basic Rights as a Benchmark for Service of Process in Accordance with the Hague Convention?"), in: ZIP 1994, pp. 1830 – 1833. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, (book review), Turcon/Zimmer (ed.), Grundlagen des US-amerikanischen Gesellschafts-, Wirtschafts, Steuer- und Fremdenrechts ("Principles of US Corporate, Commercial, Tax and Immigration Law"), 1994, in: NJW 1995, p. 2094. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Voraussetzungen einer Vertragsaufhebung wegen Sachmängeln nach dem Wiener Kaufrecht ("Requirements for Contract Termination due to Material Defects According to the Vienna Convention"), in: RIW 1995, pp. 11 – 16. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Lückenfüllung im Internationalen Einheitsrecht ("Filling Omissions in International Uniform Law"), in: RIW 1995, pp. 353 – 364. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Fehlerhafte Software im Geflecht des englischen Vertragsrechts ("Faulty Software in the Web of English Contract Law"), in: CR 1995, pp. 449 – 457. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, (book review), Voß, Ausgewählte rechtliche Probleme der dauernden Überlassung von Standardsoftware in England und Deutschland im Vergleich ("Selected Legal Problems of the Permanent Provision of Standard Software in England and Germany: A Comparison"), 1995, in: CR 1995, pp. 636 – 637. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Verbraucherschutz im neuen englischen Kaufrecht ("Consumer Protection in the New English Sales Law"), in: VuR 1995, pp. 399 – 410. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, (book review), Bunge, Zivilprozess und Zwangsvollstreckung in England ("Civil Litigation and Foreclosure in England"), 1995, in: ZEuP 1996, pp. 372 – 374. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, (book review), Schack, Höchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung zum internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrecht ("Case Law of the Supreme Courts in International Private and Procedural Law"), 1993, in: ZEuP 1996, pp. 177 – 178. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Anwendung internationaler Übereinkommen ohne Rücksicht auf die Grundrechte? ("Application of International Conventions Without Regard to Fundamental Rights?"), in: FamRZ 1996, pp. 685 – 688. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Maintaining Uniformity in International Uniform Law Via Autonomous Interpretation: Software Contracts and the CISG, in: 8 Pace International Law Review 1996, p. 303 – 338. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, (book review), Kropholler, Internationales Privatrecht ("Private International Law"), 1995, in: RIW 1996. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Koch, Harald/Diedrich, Frank, Civil Procedure – National Reports (Germany), in: International Encyclopaedia of Laws (General Editor: Roger Blancpain), Civil Procedure (Editor: Paul Lemmens), The Hague 1997. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, (book review), Zweigert/Kötz, Einführung in die Rechtsvergleichung ("Introduction to Comparative Law"), 3rd ed. 1996, in: ZEuP, pp. 582 – 585. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Grundlagen der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit ("Fundamental Principles of Arbitration"), in: JuS 1998, pp. 158 – 166. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Geistiges Eigentum und Vertragsrecht im neuen Entwurf des Article 2B UCC ("Intellectual Property and Contract Law in the New Draft of Article 2B of the UCC,"), in: MMR 1998, pp. 513 – 519. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Internationales Einheitsrecht Internationalisierung der Rechtswissenschaft? ("International Uniform Law: Internationalisation of Jurisprudence?"), in: Jahrbuch Junger Zivilrechtswissenschaftler 1998, Boorberg-Verlag, Stuttgart and others 1999, pp. 45 – 71. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Perspectives on internet regulation - law in flux, in: Coventry University Law Journal vol. 4 (2) 1999, pp. 13 – 39. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, (book review), Kittner, Gesamtsystem Schuldrecht ("The Overall System of the Law of Obligations"), 1998, in: NJW 2000, pp. 494 – 495. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, A Law of the Internet? Attempts to Regulate Electronic Commerce, in: Journal of Information, Law & Technology (JILT) 3/2000, pp. 1 – 23 (http://elj.warwick.ac.uk/jilt/00-3/diedrich.html). - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, (book review), Gildeggen, Internationale Handelsangebote ("International Trading Operations"), 2000, in: NJW 2001, pp. 1478 – 1479. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Kollisionsrechtliche Themenkomplexe ("Rechtswahl- und Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen") ("Inter-Related Conflict of Laws Themes ('Choice of Law and Jurisdiction Agreements')"), in: Mathias Lejeune (ed.), Der E-commerce-Vertrag nach amerikanischem Recht - Der Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act (UCITA) und seine Auswirkungen auf die Praxis des Vertragsrechts, DGRI Schriftenreihe vol. 10, Cologne 2001, pp. 57 – 80. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, The CISG and Computer Software Revisited, in: The Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration, vol. 6 (2) electronic supplement, 2002, pp. 55-75, (www.maa.net/vindobonajournal/vj_documents/vj_6_2_e_supplement_diedrich.pdf). - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank/Svarca, Inga, Unfair Calling Under International Bank Guarantees – Fraud and the Principle of Independence, IHR 4/2004, pp. 139 – 147. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Länderbericht Georgien – Rechtsentwicklung 2002-2003 ("Country Report of Georgia – Legal Development from 2002 to 2003"), in: WiRO 4/2004. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Warenverkehrsfreiheit, Rechtspraxis und Rechtsvereinheitlichung bei internationalen Mobiliarsicherungsrechten ("Free Movement of Goods, Legal Practice and Unification of Law for International Laws on Chattel Mortgages"), in: ZVglRWiss 104 (2005), pp. 116 – 144. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, The TRC´s Balancing of Law, Religion and Economics in South Africa – A Model for Alternative Dispute Resolution?, in: VRÜ 1/2007, pp. 5 – 22 - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Rechtswahlfreiheit und Vertragsstatut – eine Zwischenbilanz angesichts der Rom I-Verordnung ("Freedom of Choice of Law and Applicable Law for Contracts – an Interim Balance in View of the Rome I Regulation"), in: RIW 6/2009, pp. 378 – 385. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, (book review), Schalk, Deutsche Präjudizien und spanische "Jurisprudencia" des Zivilrechts ("German Prejudices and Spanish 'Jurisprudencia' of Civil Law"), Frankfurt a.M., and others 2009, in: INF/Zeitschrift für den deutsch-spanischen Rechtsverkehr 2009, pp. 126 – 128. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, The Procedural Relationship Between State Law and Customary Law in Civil and Commercial Matters, in: Diedrich (ed.), Ubuntu, Good Faith and Equity - Flexible Legal Principles in Developing a Contemporary Jurisprudence, JUTA, Cape Town (2011). - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Dealing Efficiently with Disputes in International Commercial Transactions – Avoiding and Settling Disputes Out of Court, Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and Politics (2012) vol. 40, pp. 49 – 57. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Cross Border Mediation, in: Trossen, Arthur (ed.), Mediation Geregelt – Kommentar zum Mediationsgesetz ("Mediation Regulated – A Commentary on the Mediation Act"), Win-Management Verlag, Altenkirchen 2014 - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank/Trossen, Arthur, Der Mediationsvertrag ("The Mediation Contract"), in: Trossen, Arthur (ed.), Mediation Geregelt – Kommentar zum Mediationsgesetz ("Mediation Regulated – A Commentary on the Mediation Act"), Win-Management Verlag, Altenkirchen 2014 - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, (book review), Schulze (ed.), Common European Sales Law (CESL): Commentary, Baden-Baden/Munich 2012, in: Neue Justiz (NJ) 11/2014, pp. 470 – 4714 - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Riga Graduate School of Law, Lettland, Ein Bericht, in: ZEuP 4/2014, pp. 900 – 901. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution in Japan – Comparative Analysis and Legal Reality, Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and Politics 43 (2015), pp. 49 – 73. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank, Internet Communication as a Means for Binding Representations under the CISG-The Social Media Trap, in: Schwenzer/Spagnolo (eds.), The Electronic CISG, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague 2016. - Magazine articles and book chapters
Diedrich, Frank/Zhang, Hang, Chinesische Ausführungsregeln vom 27.11.2015 zur Rückruf-VO für fehlerhafte Kfz-Produkte – Angemessene Konkretisierungen zur Verbesserung der Rechtssicherheit oder übertriebene bürokratische Hindernisse? ("Chinese Implementing Regulations from 27/11/2015 for the Regulation on the Administration of the Recall of Defective Auto Products – Appropriate Specifications to Improve Legal Certainty or Excessive Bureaucratic Obstacles?"), in: Zeitschrift für Chinesisches Recht 3/2016, pp. 225 – 230 and 240 – 246).
(International) contract law
Contract drafting
(International) business law
Mediation and alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
Has been trying unsuccessfully to overtake Valentino Rossi for years.
Dr. iur. Inga Švarca, LL.M.
Latvian lawyer & certified mediator
2000 – 2001 Master's degree in English at the Riga Graduate School of Law (Master of Laws in European and International Law, LL.M.)
1995 – 2000 Law degree at the University of Latvia (Diploma in Jurisprudence)
2018 – present Latvian lawyer admitted to the German bar, member of the Celle Bar Association
2013 Doctorate at the University of Hamburg (Dr. iur.)
2010 Training to become a certified mediator (ZfH Darmstadt)
2002 – 2004 Guest student at the law faculty of the University of Rostock
2017 – present Lawyer, member of the Latvian Collegium of Sworn Advocates (Latvijas Zvērinātu advokātu kolēģija)
Professional activity in Strasbourg at the European Court of Human Rights, in Heidelberg at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg), in Riga at the Latvian Ministry of Justice
A. Monographs/Books
A.1. "The Procedure of the European Court of Human Rights regarding Countries in Transition. ECtHR's Transitional Justice Cases against Latvia", Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2014.
A.2. "Latvia", co-author Prof. Dr. Frank Diedrich, in Prof. Dr. R. Blanpain (gen. ed.) and Prof. Dr. M. Colucci (ass. Gen.ed.), International Encyclopaedia of Laws – Intellectual Property, Supplement 75, Wolters Kluwer, Law & Business, 2013.
A.3. First Demand Bank Guarantees, Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2010.
A.4. "Intellectual Property Law in Latvia", co-author Prof. Dr. Frank Diedrich, in Prof. Dr. R. Blanpain (gen. ed.) International Encyclopaedia of Laws, Kluwer Law International, 2006.
B. Articles
B.1. Book Review, "Andrea Lollini, Constitutionalism and Transitional Justice in South Africa", Law and Politics in Afrika, Asia and Latin America / Verfassung und Recht in Übersee, vol. 3, 2013, pp. 340 – 341.
B.2. "Transitional Justice Mechanisms Applied by Latvia in Its Transition from Communist Regime", Hitostubashi Journal of Law and Politics, vol. 40, February 2012, pp. 59 – 85.
B.3. 'Ubuntu in Transitional Justice Mechanisms of South Africa' in Frank Diedrich (ed.), Ubuntu, Good faith and Equity. Flexible Legal Principles in Developing a Comparative Jurisprudence, Cape Town: Juta, 2011, (peer-reviewed).
B.4. "Unfair Calling under international Bank Guarantees – Fraud and the Principle of Independence", co-author Dr. Frank Diedrich, Internationales Handelsrecht Zeitschrift für das Recht des Internationalen Warenkaufs und -vertriebs, vol.4, pp. 133 – 176, July/August 2004, pp. 139 – 147.
B.5. "Spīdzināšanas aizlieguma procesuālais tvērums ECPAK, pozitīvie pienākumi spīdzināšanas aizlieguma realizācijā", Spīdzināšana, cietsirdība un pazemojums attieksmē un sodā, Latvijas Vēstensis, 2017, pp. 74 – 98.
Insurance law
Matters of family law
Protection against violence
National and international human rights
Doctoral scholarship from the Max Planck Society DAAD
Scholarship for guest studies at the Law Faculty of the University of Rostock
Dr. Fabian Klahr
2003 – 2008 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften, Universität Hannover
2008-2013 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter mit Lehrtätigkeit, Universität Hannover
Seit 2016 zugelassen als Rechtsanwalt
2020 Promotion an der Universität Hannover zum Dr. iur.
2023 Fakultätspreis der Juristischen Fakultät, Universität Hannover, für besondere wissenschaftliche Leistungen
Anwaltstätigkeit in Hannover
Leitung und Organisation von Lehrveranstaltungen, Universität Hannover
- Schuld und Strafmaß. Modelle der Bestimmung rechtlicher Schuld im Strafrecht und die Methodik der Strafmaßfindung im Rahmen der Sanktionsentscheidung, Schriften zum Strafrecht (SR), Bd. 395, Duncker & Humblot 2022
Wirtschaftsstrafrecht (Betrug & Untreue, Korruption)
Steuer- und Steuerstrafrecht
Verwaltungsrecht, insb. Öffentliches Baurecht